Upcoming in 2012: Goals, Wants, and Needs

by FossilizedCarlos on January 1, 2012

Woke up too early… It is 0400, and 2012 has barely started. This year is full of opportunities for me, as I graduate in May and begin my full-time employment with a great company. I hope to continue to grow this site as it will keep my computer skills sharp, as my job will revolve around engineering and not programming. The following is what I hope to accomplish in 2012, as far as this site is concerned.

  • Goal 1: Delve into algorithms
    • Covering sorts, search, and some artificial intelligence
  • Goal 2: Expand the Mac Mini ubuntu server series
    • Re-write old post, and add e-mail and possible website hosting
  • Goal 3: iOS and my App ideas
    • Two ideas, but MUST implement only one by 2013
  • Want 1: Expand my knowledge of Java GUI through Clojure
    • Scheme was fun, but I am intrigued by clojure, so this kills two birds…
  • Want 2: Maps! Bring on the Maps!
    • Will help in future ideas, and its just cool… Plus I did buy Map Scripting 101, so must finish reading it
  • Want 3: Learn more Javascript, which enables Cappuccino and Objective-J
    • Love what this framework has to offer, and it now uses Xcode and interface builder
  • Need 1: Graduate! And maintain site at the same time.

Stick around, keep coming back, comment and share ideas, and let’s help each other stay sharp.

Disclaimer: Links and Ads might get me paid.

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